Outstanding unique cubist coffee/tea service by H.L. Linton Paris
Item # 1668
tea 6"T x 8"W x 4D"
cream 2.5" T x 5.5"W x 3.25"D
sugar 2.5"T x 4.5"W x 2.5"T
Price (USD)
$ 3,000
What a beautiful service this is, so many nice details. The French were great at designing and manufacturing these wonderful classic sets (a time gone by). This particular one was designed and manufactured by H.L. Linton of Paris, each piece is stamped on the bottom. The design is great, very cubist and somewhat asymmetrical (notice the elongated and angular shapes). Not your typical French coffee service. Each piece has some very nice details with rosewood handles that have been delicately shaped in such a way to allow the cubist influence of the metal work desgin to stand out in very original way. Almost like a French cubist painting.