Art & Statues
Art Deco Statue of Diana and Two Dogs in Silver
An Art Deco Icon , this image of Diana as a statue in silver on a two tone, layered marble base is one of the most graceful we have seen. The breeze gently ruffles her hair and tunic, her features and figure are well rendered. She is portrayed as a huntress, a beautiful, virginal and yet fierce protector of the natural habitat. She is almost always depicted with an arrow or spear, and so often is flanked by two sleek canines. In this sculpture, the breeze gently ruffles her hair and tunic, her features and figure are well rendered . There is a great sense of motion in her pose.
In Roman mythology, Diana is both Goddess of the Hunt but also of the Moon and Nature. She rules over the woodland and has the power to talk to and control wild animals. There is a tale of the god Acteon who spied on Diana bathing naked in a pond. To retailiate, she was able to "speak" to his two dogs and command them to attack him. Though she is one of three goddesses who vowed never to marry, she is also considered the Goddess of Childbirth. Of all the femaie imagery of the Art Deco Period, Diana is by far the most often chosen to be the subject of sculpture and painting.