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Exceptionally Rare Sterling Art Deco Cocktail Shaker, Tray and Glasses

Item # 1339 SOLD
shaker 8" T X 4" w glass 2.5" T 1.75" W (6 in total) tray 8" W X 17" L

Offered today is possibly one of the rarest cocktail shaker sets you will ever have the opportunity to buy! Here is what I know and I think. During the 1930's some very rare sterling hand made sterling cocktail sets were made for the American market (I think it is originally from Japan, there are NO maker marks). The set is of course marked sterling and you must know how unusual it is to find a sterling shaker, let alone a tray and matching glasses.

I have seen something similar once before In Barnaby Conrad's book, The Martini, where he highlights, FDR's passion for martini's. This set is very close to the set that FDR owned with a kind of plant/bamboo details. This sterling set is somewhat ornate for typical Art Deco fans, but fabulous and of quality workmanship. It would be considered Repousse (A method of embossing a metal sheet by punching and hammering a design from the back, then polishing it up in front with a chasing hammer, producing a three-dimensional bas-relief surface.) The design has fine details of hammered etching with flowers, plant leaves embellished on every piece, so spectacular. This is certainly not for everyone, but if you desire something of quality and significance, please do not wait, I am sure this won't be here long. I have been buying and selling cocktail barware for almost 20 years and have never seen a set like this. 8 pieces in total, shaker, tray and 6 glasses and in sterling. A dry martini possibly could not taste better in anything as fine as this.

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