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German Zeppelin Torpedo Bomb Cigarette Dispenser Cigar Cutter Cocktail

Item # 2507 SOLD
9" W x 5.4" T x 5" D
Price (USD)
$ $ Price not available

Rare and unusual German Zeppelin Torpedo Bomb Cigarette Dispenser Cigar Cutter. Predates the highly collectible and most famous Zeppelin and airplane cocktail shakers manufactured in the 1930's by the German company with the letters DGR, which also refers to  J. A. Henckels of Solingen. In the 1930s the shape of cars, trains and planes becoming more aerodynamic or streamline, following the principle that a smooth and uninterrupted surface is less resistant. For the more serious cocktail shaker collector, this Zeppelin shaped torpedo reflects the design direction for what has become some of the most sought after and highly collectible German shaker collectibles. The piece offered here represents the beginning of this German design aesthetic:

Form vs. Function

The main body lifts up to load a cigarette, lowering the body dispenses the cigarette. One end has a fin holding a match holder. The match holder has emery strikers on the front and back. The other end has a propeller that turns a 3 bladed cigar cigarette tip cutter. These ends are removable when twisted to access the latch to open and drop the sides of the main body to reload the cigarettes.  Most of the device is brass with some iron here and there. It is marked D.R.G. (a German registered design). It is in very good condition with a nicely acquired patina.


German Zeppelin Torpedo Bomb Cigarette Dispenser Cigar Cutter Cocktail

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