Art Deco Folke Arstrom Swedish Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker 1935
Designed in 1935 by Swedish designer Folke Arström for GAB, this iconic Art Deco cocktail shaker showcases perfect functionalist lines and proportions. Made of silver-plated brass, it doubles as a striking decorative piece, embodying the sleek, modern aesthetic of the era.
Crafted from four parts of a circle—two convex and two smaller concave sections—this silver-plated brass cocktail shaker is a testament to Arstrom's innovative design approach. The six-speed lines at the bottom of the shaker harmonize with the horizontal lines on the bakelite lid, creating a cohesive and modern look. Despite being designed almost a century ago, this piece remains remarkably contemporary, demonstrating the timeless appeal of Art Deco design.
Condition is excellent and recently professionally polished.