Daum Art Deco Double Globe Table Lamp
An Art Deco French Double Globe Table Lamp by Daum . This beautiful and unusual lamp is crafted in the "pate de verre" technique of thick glass heavily etched and carved in geometric, stylized floral pattern accented with hand made ironwork footing and fittings. Both the glass globe base and the half round shade light up.
The Daum Glassworks was located in Nancy, France and the signature often included Daum (the designer) and Nancy (the city in which it was made).
The Daum company began in 1878, rose to prominence at the turn of the century winning the medal of honor in 1900 . The techniques of ” pate de verre “, of acid etching and the embrace of Art Nouveau styling made Daum one of the most popular and important glass companies in the world. Daum, and its rival Lalique, were the French masters that did so much to elevate the art of glass and to establishthe rise of “Art Deco” design through the ‘teens, the 1920s and 1930s.