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French Art Deco Lioness Large Bronze by Maurice Prost

Item # 2473 SOLD
8.25" T x 24.25" W x 5" D

Eartly 20th Century bronze by Maurice Prost (1894-1967), depicting model of a Lioness. This is a rare an important sculpture signed M. Prost and inscribed by the founders "Susse Frs Edt. Paris. cire perdue". It is also stamped "Susses Freres Paris".

The rendering of the lioness is a classic interpretation which has influenced the popular obsession by the French and Belgian sculptors. These are seen throughout the art deco period. This particular artist, Maurice Post considered one of the best artists for this kind of work, depicting animals (like Bugatti), his pieces have continually sold throughout the best auction houses in Europe, including Sothebys and Christies, as the values continue to rise. This piece is an impressive size and the condition is perfect with original patina and lustre.

French Art Deco Large Maurice Prost Bronze Lioness

About Maurice Prost:

Born in Paris in 1894, apprenticing under a sculptor at age fourteen. In December of 1914, the majority of his left arm was amputated after an accident, though he continued to sculpt despite the loss. He set up his first workshop in Rue E. Cresson in Paris and subsequently moved his shop in 1926 to Brunoy. At the Exposition Universelle in 1937, it proved a turning point in his career, at which he exhibited and was recognized for his sculpture of Pegasus and from which he received numerous large commissions - his two four meter sculptures of Pegasus were commissioned for the Bridge de l’Alma.

From 1920 through 1930 he exhibited regularly at Salon des Artistes Fraçais, achieving honorable mention in 1922 and a silver medal in 1936. He exhibited in 1927 at the Susse Gallery in Paris, in 1930 at the Parisian Gallery of Edgar Brandt and at the Colonial Exposition in 1931. In 1933 he received the Légion d’Honneur and a large number of his works are held in the Brunoy museum.

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