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Eduardo Benito Fashion Portfolio: 12 pochoir hand colored plates " La Derniere Lettre Persane"

Item # 2090 SOLD
image size 14.5 T x 10.3/4 W unframed

SOLD 4-13-2015

Eduardo Garcia Benito’s La Derniere Lettre Persane is a series of twelve designs done for La Maison Fourrures Max in 1920 with an introduction by Eduardo Miguel Zamacois.  Inside the  ribbon tied folio are 12 individual pochoirs and 8 pages of text.  Following the great tradition of the grand houses of Paris that employed the great artists of the period to create their catalogues and advertisements, this is one of the most spectacular portfolios created in that genre.

Benito Folio Cover

The images are lithographed in fine line black and white with light woodblock embossing and then hand painted with metallic  gold and “acuarela” (watercolors ) applied in "Pochoir " technique . What is remarkable is the restraint in the use of color. The use of the  vivid red is sparing but arresting. Merely a flower, a feather fan or the high heel of a shoe is done in a bright color, the rest in rich golds and black. The lithographs are not bound and are able to be framed. The 8 pages of text are embellished with unique lettering and lyrical  illustrations .

So stylized as to be almost avant garde representations of fashion publicity, these are considered to be high art of the Art Deco Period today.


Eduardo Benito was a Spanish fashion illustrator and painter, famous for his Vogue illustrations of the 1920s and 1930s.  In 1910 he moved to Paris and won a scholarship to study at L’École des Beaux- Arts, he later spent 15 years painting Vogue and Vanity Fair  Magazine Covers as well as works for Gazette du Bon Ton. Among Benito's subjects as a portrait painter were the King of Spain, Paul Poiret and the Chinese Royal family.  Still, his most unique creation  is the limited edition  series of 12 pochoirs published  in 1920 for La Maison Fourrures Max.



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