Sculptor Enrique Molins-Balleste. This is a keeper, please buy it before I decide to take it home for myself. Spectacular original nickeled bronze sculpture of...
Item #1342
D. H. Chiparus “L’Age du Bronze” Bending Bar Man, Large size
Of course, everyone loves animals, especially birds. They are seen often in French sculpture. The little flyer is particularly nicely detailed, you can see all...
We are pleased to present for your consideration, this beautiful, signed and original, rare statue designed in 1928 by the famous French artist, Max Le...
Item #1317
Art Deco Gentleman’s Portrait, White Tie/Tails Nobility by Andre Tahon
Expertly rendered painting which portrays a nobel "portrait de gentleman". One might be able to identify the gentlemen in some ways by the medals worn...
A most unusual and beautifully articulated French Art Deco Sculpture lamp signed "Limousin". The spectacular jazz age base lights up, illuminating exceptionally fine sculptures of...
Item #1291
Outstanding 1920’s Art Deco Japy Freres/Decoux Bronze Marble Clock
This truly magnificent showpiece will quickly dramatize your mantel, console, bookcase or...? The sculpture depicts an Olympian male trumpet blower next to his leaping horse,...
Item #1251
Spectacular Art Deco Diana Huntress and Leaping Antelope
Here's a truly stunning and exceptional large Art Deco silvered chryselephantine Art Deco sculpture; designed by Max le Verrier and manufactured at the le Verrier...
Item #1238
1930s Belgian Art Deco Copper Wall Plaque Quintet Maredsous Métiers D’Art
Here's a highly decorative and intriguing 1920s German Art Deco statue from the Schwarzburger Werkstätten für Porzellankunst (Schwarzburger Porcelain Art Workshops). This beautifully detailed and...
Item #1224
Art Deco Streamline Bookends – Trylon Perisphere New York
Here's a sleek 1930s Art Deco plane sculpture. This hefty nickeled-brass plane swivels and balances on a curved streamlined arm that arches down to a...
Here's a beautifully stylized 1930s Art Deco Bronze pheasant sculpture. The pheasant's head has a Egyptian-god-inspired design and overall, the sculpture is strongly detailed with...
This is one very large and spectacular Art Deco centerpiece with details that are both intricate and elaborate. Three beautifully costumed, turbaned and physically fit...
Item #1161
Painting Lacquered Wood Panel Art Deco Diana The Huntress Mural 3 piece Screen
Here is a fantastic original painting by notable Argentinian artist, E. Albertazzi (His drawings and paintings can be found in the City Museum in Buenos...
Heres an unusual an quite striking nickeled bronze statue by sculptor Pierre Laurel from the Marcel Guillemard foundry. It depicts the female harlequin, Pierette in strong Art...
Item #1147
1930s French Art Deco Boxer Bookends • Signed H. Moreau
Here's both a gorgeous work of art and an important historical reminder. This considerably large sculpture (a full 24" wingspan) is made from solid Rosewood...
Item #1140
1930s French Art Deco ” Ondine” Bronze Sculpture • Pierre Le Faguays
We acquired this French 1930s bronze sculpture by Pierre Le Faguays (1892-1935) from a private French collector who told us that he originally bought the...
1930 Art Deco Book ends with marabouts. Great looking art deco style. Signed Artus for LeVerrier foundry. Also used (and sold) as hood ornaments. 7.5"...
Bending Bar Man by Chiparus This powerful French spelter statue by Demeter H. CHIPARUS (1888-1950) sometimes refered to as the famous bending bar man (Jeune...
Item #1114
1930s French Art Deco “Scottie” Bookends • Signed U.J. Bornes
I'm really drawn these unusual bookends. They possess a quintessential Scottie silhouette with "drawing-like" dimensional details. They're carved from wood and as such, have an...